
Connected for life....by ashley T:]

Their names are Abby and Brittany. They are conjoined twins, sharing the same body Abby and Brittany have their own heads and necks . They each have their own heart, brain, stomach, ribcage, small intestine, and two kidneys. They share the same body, uterus, bladder, large intestine and female parts. Abby who's head is on the left, controls the left arm and leg and Brittany who's head is located on the right, controls the right arm and leg. Each arm cant sense the others arm touch. Although doctors don't know how both arms work together whit out a thought, even though the each have control of only one arm they will automatically clap and the twins also play softball they life is different and the same as ours. How would you feel if you were in their situation? what would you do if you were in that situation? when asked "if you had the chance to be apart?" the answered " no we love being together your never alone and always have someone to talk to". do you think they would be accepted in our school? how do you think people would people would act towards them?


Anonymous said...

Ashley this was such a great idea to post about. Seriously =] I don't think i'd beable to live like that. Even simple things we take for granted like going to the bathroom. These girls have to get so frusterated, it's basicly like no privacy, no alone time. They're "stuck".

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Anonymous said...

I feel that some people would not accept them, that some people would find it funny that just because their apperance was different then the average, but i also feel that alot of people would understand their conditiona dn accept them for who they are, not caring about how they looked. If i was in their situtation, i am actually quite uncertain about how i would feel or what i would do, honestly i cant even imagine it, alothough i have watched documentaries on instances similar to this one and heard stories such as this one about it, it doesnt really feel like reality to me. I dont know its hard to explain i guess... i mean i kno that its there but i dont really feel like it is.... and i think that its absolutly wonderful that if they had the chance to be part they wouldnt, because they enjoy one anothers company, i dont think that if in that situtation i could handle it quite as well....

Anonymous said...

Ashley, this is a very interesting article. If I was in Abby and Brittany’s’ situation I guess I would have to deal with it. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t like it though. There are a number of reasons why I wouldn’t like being in their situation. I am a triplet and I would not want to be stuck to Katie and Kyle! I like to be around people a lot but there are times where everyone has to have time alone and being stuck together would make it impossible. Simple everyday activates would be a hassle. Some activities that I can think of that would be hard include: going to the bathroom, running, walking through doorways, sitting in cars, etc. Activities that would be impossible or almost impossible include: sitting in desks in school (they probably have tables for them), riding a bike, running on a treadmill, driving, going on rollercoaster at theme parks, etc. These two girls not only have trouble doing these activities, they probably have a lot of health problems or will have them in later years. If these two girls went to our school I think they would be accepted by some students but not by others. There are some people in our school right now that have problems/disorders; they experience what the two girls would experience. Many students in our school understand what the students with problems/disorders are going through; they accept them, talk to them and are friends with them. Unfortunately there are some students that make fun of these students because of their appearances and actions. All and all I think many people in our school would accept the two girls.

I give these girls a lot of credit because even though they have troubles, they still live their life. They play softball so obviously they are dealing with their problem in a good way; they are not letting their problem get in the way of what they love and want to do.
-Kelly Malstrom

Anonymous said...

I dont think i could live like that. I have a sister and we are together all the time so if i were to be joined together with her i think we would fight more. but maybe it would help us relize that we need each other to do certain things and there is always someone goin to be there for you no matter what. so it kinda goes both ways. if those girls came to our school they might get wierd looks at first but then once people get to noe them they wil be accepted and have many friends.