

Scientific research into treatments and a possible cure for AIDS is an ongoing process. Find out about the latest research into HIV and prospective cures for AIDS. Research the most recent pharmaceutical developments and other treatments. Evaluate public awareness and education programs and campaigns. How much money is being spent in any of these areas, and is it too much or not enough? Do you think HIV/AIDS has really impacted your life? How do you think your classmates would react to another student having HIV/AIDS? How would you feel?


Anonymous said...

TREATMENT: There is a a treatment for people with HIV that uses two medications. Doctors give people with HIV a combination of two proven medications, 3Tc and AZT, into one tablet and may help people with HIV live longer, healthier lives.

Anonymous said...

FEELING: some kids in the school would be wierd about another student having it, they would probably make fun of them.

Anonymous said...

What about solving the problem? Should we spend money on education or on treatment?

Anonymous said...

Honestly HIV and aids hasnt really impacted our lives because were not sexually active yet, and other then in school, we dont hear about it very often. we think that we need to spend more money on education to prevent hiv and aids. if people are aware of what to do to prevent it then aids and hiv will not be spread as much.
-staci andrea and jamie =)

Anonymous said...

hiv and aids is a big problem in the world should we keep researching a cure or find a way to isolte the diaease and get rid of it for good?

Anonymous said...

If some one I know had hiv I wouldn't tell any one because the wouldn't have friends because people would be scared

Anonymous said...

not enogh money is being spent